The inuit ocean going kayaks are thin skinned framed constructions. I have seen a version which is not quite as big as 16 foot but its covered in a fabric/film. So I would believe the claim.. As for making one into a F16 or A..
Inuit kayaks do not have the stresses a rig puts on the hulls.. I guess someone could build a framed F16 using carbon tubes as frames... But a designer like Scarecrow would have more understanding than myself..
My only concern is the stretched fabric has zero puncture resistance at cat closing speeds.......

Then then a "light" Prowler moth hull with deck is around 7.5 kgs or 16.5 pounds.. As opposed to the "heavy" prowler hull at 9.0kgs or 19.8 pounds.... This is with centercase, reinforced stern and all ready to take flying plates ect..

As for the wooden A at around class weight. It will be hard but using some tricks from the ultra light design book, I believe, it could be done.. Well I believe it is potentially possible.. Then I have been wrong before.. <img src="" alt="" />