Yep, we've sailed the Texas Cat Champs at Palacios for a number of years. You can launch from the beach (ramp just wide enough to wheel a cat down from the parking lot) and enjoy sailing in Tres Palacios bay. Don't get too far over to the right when leaving the beach - there is some kind of dredge spoil which can chew up boards just at the edge of the channel that the shrimpers use.

There is a tiny oyster reef in the middle of the cat beach, normally marked with some PVC poles - keep clear!

If you are feeling adventurous then you could sail all the way to Port Aransas and even out into the Gulf.

Palacios is a most excellent sleepy Texas gulf coast town. We normally party at Outriggers. PMR (Palacios Mexican Restaurant) offers good Tex-Mex, as does the Mexican restaurant on the left side of the road on the north way out of town. There is also a good taco place for breakfasts in town on the west end.

Luther Hotel is quite historical by Texas standards and is allegedly haunted. We always stay at Serendipity RV park - where Palacios Yacht Club have their club house. Say Hi to them and send best wishes from TCDYC - we'll be back for the Texas Cat Champs later this year.


Dave Ingram is my president. tcdyc rules