I wouldn't join any organization that would have me as a member.... Groucho? Or Will Rodgers?

Anyway, I am TOTALLY against Timbo's idea. I don't want any of my money going to any of the ideas that sound like a good idea until it is remembered that it's the government running it. I get hit with the "it's only a few pennies per year" and "it's for the children" so many times per year I have developed a twitch whenever it comes along. You want to fund US Sailing, go ahead. Leave me (and by extension my wallet) out of it. While you are at it, stop taking my money for the NEA and PBS as well. Could ya? Would ya, please, please, please?

And to the notion that it is too bad that Al Gore is not in the White House......... <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> I'd expect him to buzz around in a great big cigarette boat touting what a great thing he has now invented..... sailing!

What a joke.

The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised. - George Will
"It's not that liberals aren't smart, it's just that so much of what they know isn't so" -Ronald Reagan