I did not write the story about the Steeplechase -- Rick wrote it. He only used the word "suspect" in terms of the Supercat's rating because the Supercat 20 has not been raced much for a number of years and there has been very little current data input on it. The rating used for this event was absolutely correct in terms of its current Portsmouth rating (as taken directly from the Portsmouth tables on the US Sailing site for the Supercat 20, 10-foot beam -- whoops, sorry, maybe it is 12-foot beam, whatever the "mod" means, tall rig) and including the adjustments for squaretop main and spinnaker. Base rating for this boat is 65.7. I'm sure Darline Hobock will be getting the results from this race and stirring it into her factor stew, but it would be nice to have more current results from this class of boat.
I think you are talking about the regular Supercat 20, which has a base rating of 68.

Last edited by MaryAWells; 12/16/02 11:31 AM.

Mary A. Wells