You want to inspect the tramp for other damage as you do NOT want to fall through it raising your mast. [/quote]

Go sailing.

It's the size of a pencil the skinny way, I have some sail thread and a needle, I have a small peice of tramp material that I can use to patch. By the time I get it off the boat, drive to a shop that can take care of it, wait for them to sew it, (probably not the same day),and then the same in reverse, I can have it taken care of myself and spend the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day sailing or setting up the spi..
What kind of adhesive would be best. I can go to the hardware store and start reading labels but but thought someone else may have gotten a small hole in their tramp at some point and found something that worked well.
I also want to put a large grommet in the middle of the tramp for spi return, i'm sort of a do it yourself guy, I belive this can also be taken care of without removing the tramp. Does anyone have experience with this?

New thread and repeat.

Auscat MKV 444 A class