I have been reading his lies, exagerations, insults and bull for several years.
You weren't here when he regularly condemned and critized the U.S., especially U.S. sailors.
You weren't here when he repeated argued that the U.S had very little to do with winning World War II and that we didn't deserve any thanks form the EU.
He is still the same person who said, on 9/15/01, that the attack on the 9/11 was "way out of proportion" as if we deserved to be attacked, but not that bad.
He has been much more reserved in his criticizm of the U.S. since he found willing dupes for his f16hp scam overhere.
He is the person who stated on 10/05/01 that it would "save you alot of time" by looking at another website instead of "waiting for my photo's to be developped.", but then on 4/16/02 he states "I have the plans and they are real. I'm hoping to finish my boat this summer" and he has not announced the completion of his boat YET, but he continues to proclaim himself an expert on boat tuning and construction.
He has been feeding the people a line of crap for over a year.
He is legendary for his making totally incorrect pronouncements, like this one, about things he knows nothing about.
I don't like liars who take advantage of people for their own self gratification.
A snake is a snake and it will never be anything else.

P.S. The definition of "perspective -
the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed ; also: POINT OF VIEW b : the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance

Obviously the "point of view" of a 50 year old is different than that of a twenty sonething. I wonder how much crap you will put up with in 20 years.