We really don't want to extol the virtues of woodburning stoves, because if everybody started to use them, they would be banned for causing air pollution. In Vail, Colorado, almost every condo had a fireplace, and, of course, everybody coming there to ski wanted the ambiance of a fire in the fireplace. With hundreds of fireplaces spewing out smoke, the valley used to become filled with it. They finally banned the use of woodburning fireplaces and stoves. I don't know if that is still the case or not out there, but that ban was hard on the people who actually had to rely upon wood heat to keep warm, as opposed to the tourists who just liked the look and feel of a crackling fire while it is snowing outside.

We don't need a woodburning stove in the Keys, but I sure would like to have a fireplace, even if I could only use it during those few days during the winter when it feels really cold here. I miss the crackle and pop, and being hypnotized by the flames. It's better than TV.

Mary A. Wells