This certainly begs a few questions... My "stable" of old cats includes a Prindle 16 which uses a reefing system with a second, lower point on the wire part of the halyard that can be hooked into the bracket on the mast that holds the sail up at full sail. I wonder if a second ring attached to a very short tail would make it up the outside of the mast groove and over the top block to make a reef point on boats with that ring/hook system? As much trouble as I have on the beach getting that system hooked and unhooked, I doubt that would be practical.

But I digress; my main questions revolve around the benefits of reefing as opposed to flattining sail, the square top blowing off, pinching etc. Would a reefing system be a worthwhile way to avoid buying a smaller 18HT sail for single handing as opposed to what I assume is now a higher aspect sail?

I really enjoy sailing in and around the surf and really want to try a spin. I guess fitting on on my TheMightyHobie18 is the best bet as the surf is rather unforgiving in the event of a capsize. A $500 TheMightyHobie18 is easy to loose in the surf compaired with a 5 figure F18HT....