Are you doing a bareboat charter to the Dry Tortugas, or will you have a captain with you? If you are bareboating, I have an article I can send you from a trip by cat sailors on an F-25C and an F-27 to give you some ideas on where to stop for snorkeling on your way to and from Fort Jefferson.

By the way, if you are going to the Dry Tortugas, I think you will have to figure it as more than a two-day trip.

Okay, never mind. Rick says you can just buzz out and buzz back, no problem. Of course, Rick isn't into sightseeing and has a tendency to schedule his life down to the minute. I was just thinking you might want to stop at Dry Western Rocks and maybe spend the night at the Marquesas along the way and then take some time to tour the Fort and that kind of stuff.