We've found some kindred spirits in the Tybee 500 challenger Team Velocity Sailing – sponsored by Sailing Anarchy. These guys are doing something we believe in, and we're going to be along for the ride (on shore of course - we're not crazy). We're also hoping that former SCOTW and Olympic hottie Carrie Howe will make good on the promise she made to Mr. Clean the other day – to bring her game to this bad-butt adventure race, and to wear a bikini while she's doing it! Here's more about TVS:

Team Velocity Sailing is a group of young, enthusiastic beach catamaran sailors with humble roots, but grandiose plans. Defying the skeptics from the start, its woefully inexperienced, underprepared founders Trey and Tad competed and finished their first Tybee 500 while still in college.

They say life is a learning experience, and Team Velocity has learned as it has grown. We've competed in national and international events, growing from a single boat held together by college student intuition - to a four boat "syndicate" whose members can proudly boast of their many accomplishments on the water. At its core, Team Velocity is a group of young individuals who thrive on spreading the excitement and thrill of multihull racing to as many people as possible.

We all remember the days of the Worrell 1000 - where teams lined up to take a crack at being the hardest, fastest bastards on two hulls. We remember when legends from the monohull world, from the America's Cup world, from Europe, Australia, and New Zealand - would line up bow-to-bow against some of the best (and some of the worst) in North America to shove off through the breakers into the Atlantic every morning. We want to bring that back - we believe in this race and the life experiences that it gives everyone who participates in it.

The members of Team Velocity Sailing have put together an outsourced logistics program for the 2009 Tybee 500. Anyone who has tried to compete in a race like this knows that the preparations begin months in advance, and that getting to the beach is half the battle. Even outside of preparing boats, hardware, and sailors, the logistical planning that goes into this race is often the one hurdle that intimidates most people out of competing in this epic event.

If you are a cat sailor and you're on the fence about competing, give TVS a shout about handling your logistics. We can arrange your hotels, reserve your ground crew, arrange meals, and handle race paperwork on your behalf – and since no one is making a dime off it, it is surprisingly affordable. We are calling this the Resurgence Program - because we want to bring extreme distance catamaran sailing back to what it was – the baddest racing on the planet.

So get your **** straight, get in touch with us, and lets make it happen. With Sailing Anarchy along for the ride, more people will be part of the 2009 Tybee 500 than ever before – so join us!


Eric Arbogast
ARC 2101
Miami Yacht Club