Just got back last night at about 2am from Gulfport/Clearwater FL to pickup the Viper and what a ride. So, I'm tired and awake at the same time. smile

I did the races at GYC on Saturday and I have to tell you, the crew there is fantastic, nice, and very nice.(Yup said it twice. smile ). I met Robi, Todd and Janet, Pete and the new Blade owner from Chicago Tom(or is it Thomas, my mind is pretty foggy. ) his friend Steve(Again, foggy) and Matt and Zach Lynch. Everyone made me seem at home and were very helpful in anything I needed.

Race report,
First race, 6-8 knots of wind. I started behind the pack at the start. But somehow I managed to get 8 out of 16 boats?? I think luck had something to do with it because it went downhill after that.

Second race, the wind actually picked up a touch. As a matter of fact, I should have trapezed, because I was afraid of my crossbar to the rudders where going to come apart as I was out on the trapeeze.(I'm saving you from the idiot move I did while setting up the toe-in on the rudders). Since I should have trapeezed I didn't do to well. I also got tired really quick, singlehandling the spinnaker gets tiresome quick!!! So, I think I came in 15 here.

Third race, winds lightened up quite a bit. I got a decent start but I think I managed to pick a couple of bad lines. smile Getting even more tired probably had something to do with it. smile I got a DFL on the last race. smile No biggy in reality, someone has to come in last.

Over all, I very much like the boat and the people that are associated with the F16 class. As a matter of fact, I want to apologize again to Todd and Janet. smile They know what I'm talking about. In the second race, we were pretty close together going to A mark and I tacked over, but they were on starboard and I was on port. I knew they were there, but I was going to go below them, the next thing I knew, they were bearing off also. smile I was like, ooooops!!!! Didn't mean for that to happen. smile Anyway, I apoligize again.

To sum things up...

If any of you haven't been to GYC, you have got to go. Even if its for just a weekend race. Heck, they have food afterwards!!! I'm very happy with my purchase of a new toy and the class that it's associated with. I hope to see you guys soon.

Last edited by mikeborden; 03/09/09 08:37 AM.

Viper USA 132

1984 Hobie 18