Originally Posted by Mark Schneider

ISAF SCHRS also existed but the rule had not been updated in years and was much less popular then texel. A year later, Following the lead of TEXEL, the ISAF ratings were taken over by Scooby who led a signficant reworking of the ISAF ratings. Unlike NMBR and the Texel rating. ISAF SCHRS does not use a trap... no trap or windspeed two part formula.


1, SCHRS is used far more widely than Texel, and always has been, people were just complaining it needed some work. We did that work. Texel is used in Holland and one club in the UK I know about SCHRS, is used in the rest of the EU and other parts of the world.

2, We do have a righting moment compenent of the formula that my team added when we did our review. Thus boats with lots of sail, and little righting momemn (RM) do get a more favorable rating than in the past.

F16 - GBR 553 - SOLD

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