Hey there,

So Michael - are you sailing on Sunday?

Hey Matt from Mt Isa - are you around and ready to sail? Do you need help?

Looks like wind 20 - 25 Knots from SE.

Cleveland has a race to Coochie and back which will have some fast reaching legs in course. Could be heavy out on water there although tide is running out and so wind is in same direction = little wind against current waves.

If wind over 22 Knots racing will be off.

I am considering a run up to Lake Cootharaba to sail on Sunday for a 1330 start.
Do you know if they call it off in strong wind?

Any thoughts/comments on where and when?


Last edited by furr_ball; 03/19/09 09:21 PM.

Drew........Furr_ball........Mosquito 1635