Hey, Doc says I've got to take all the meds, regardless of how silly they make me feel. I've got to find a doctor who will prescribe 8 hrs. of sailing a day, we all know that will cure just about any ailment.

Matter of fact, there was one Dr. in the hosp. who wanted to talk about sailboats, he lives on the other side of my lake here in Sebring and has seen me out. He wants one of those Hobie Adventure Island Kayak-trimaran thingys. I said, "DO IT!" And I'm going to take him out on the Prindle and try to teach him to sail, when they will allow it.

I hope he gets the cat bug, he's got two sons who would be great crew, ages 20-18, and a daughter about 15. If I could hoist my mainsail I'd be over there right now trying to get him hooked.

Or...maybe he needs a slightly used Blade. Yeah, that's the ticket, and I can get one of those fancy new Falcons!

MATT, Help!

MMmmm....new boat smell...

Blade F16