I think he had the flatter of the two different sails, Ullman?

But, I'm not sure and can't remember. I did know, but forgot. smile

Here is something that a lot of people don't know about, the Vipers that are out this year(came over on the container that I bought my boat from in the US) have a different cut than the original sails. Basically, they are a second generation sail. Greg made some improvements over the first set and I think he made the luff a little more fuller, which would give the boat a little more power. At least that's what's been told to me. Now, he might have done that because the boat is a little heavier to give it a little more power. But again, I'm new so what do I know. smile

Chris Amador has the new set and he can sail a little higher with them than he previously could. Now, his other set might have been a little worn out so that might be the reason why he could point a little higher with the newer set than the others.

I think it's pretty cool that you can play with the sails compared to the older designs though. It doesn't give you a HUGE advantage, but it sure does make things more interesting. wink

Viper USA 132

1984 Hobie 18