To support my new spi I need to lenghten my spi pole. I'm sleeving a new part at the end but I was wondering what innovative setup you have to attach the tack block and the two bridles all the way out there.

I don't like the system I have so far on the F16, it has an eye on each side where the bridle connects and the block is attached via a small line between the eyes. This means that the block moves around and I had the line fouling more than once.

The "classic" system is to have an eye on top with a block on a spring and the bridles simply making a loop around the pole via the eye. Works, but raises the tack of the spi fairly high and the risk of fouling the tack line around the block or the pole end is not negligible.

I like the system I have on the 5.2, where the end of the pole is plugged by a plastic plug with a hole on it (Where can I source one of those in the UK?). There is no block, the line goes inside the pole and exits further down. But the bridle lines are attached via small holes in the pole and that doesn't inspire confidence.

What system do you use? Anything you'd like to recommend? Pics? The pole on my F16 is carbon if this makes a difference.