And what about all the Tornados out there? What would they have to do to "fit" into a F20 rule? They are what, 19 feet long, so they are not too long to fit, but they are too wide if you go with the 8'6" USA trailering rules.

So do you allow them the added beam due to the shorter hulls, or make them buy an new set of beams and alter their tramps?

I'm all for a big boy boat, but not too many can afford anything over $20,000. That seems to be the big stopping point when it comes to buying "toys", and that's for single guys!

Us "married with kids" types have a much shorter stopping point!

If Mamma ain't happy, nobody's happy! Right Gina?

PS, when I had my Inter 20, I LOVED it! It would still be my number 1 choice if I had regular crew. Alex and Patsy proved you don't need two monster sized men on the boat to win in big air. And look at Nigel and Alex, neither one are huge guys, yet they always do well on it.

Why a lot of teams got off their Inter 20's to go to the F18 is still a mystery to me.

And for Rolf, I believe the real reason the I20 didn't catch on in Europe like it did in the USA is because the average wind strength in most sailing locations over there is quite a bit more than the average over here.

The F18 was built for your wind, the I20 was designed for our wind.

Blade F16