I think we probably have the basics to move this on, we allow the current designs to be grandfathered into the class, this will help kick start the class by allowing reasonably equal racing between the existing boats. Parity with F18 will also help this as we can race boat on boat with the F18s, however we must look beyond the start up period and to that extent we must consider whether we maximise the performance potential of the class, with the current set-up the boat is likely to require 130 - 140 kgs crew weight to be fully competitive, I suggest that we place in the rules now a ballot to be held after 2 years with aview to increasing jib and spinnaker size to maximise the boat around 140 - 150 kgs crew weight, these newer sail sizes need not be decided now and should be discussed by a committee over the two years and presented to the class in due time, this rule could also become a continual (say 4 yearly review) with minor mods being made in order to keep the boats at the cutting edge<br><br>

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John Pierce
