The sandflies are out now on the Florida west coast in and near salt marsh and beaches: this is NOT a trivial problem or a joke. This means you MUST have and use repellent, because both male and female Culicoides mississippiensis (properly called biting midges) can walk thru normal mosquito netting on a tent to bite you. The netting that they CANNOT get thru also does not pass much air, meaning heavy night sweats in a tent. When I said many mosquitoes live happily on the wild birds nesting on the offshore islands at CK, I meant it. Dr. Dan Kline at my USDA lab has just finished a successful experiment with an grid of propane-powered CO2-producing mosquito traps inland across uninhabited Atsena Otie Key to reduce the heavy mossie population. How does a liter of dead mosquitoes per day per trap sound? Stay on the beach!

A-class USA 196, USA 21, H18, H16
"Nothing that's any good works by itself. You got to make the damn thing work"- Thomas Edison