Originally Posted by Mark P
Hi Gill
Once on the wire, roughly around 10+mph wind speed (approx 13-14kmph) I find that you can't over sheet the main with my 8:1 mainsheet purchase. However, the wind never appears to be that constant hence I don't cleat. This might have something to do with the sail itself as Stealth Mains have a boom/foot which is at least 9" or 225mm longer than a Blades.

Second downside of change to a bigger purchase is that it is more difficult to take the gusts by sheeting because you have to release to much so it is impossible to sheet in again easily afterwards (if you are helming and sheeting).
Concerning the longer foot on the Stealth, shouldn't this make the loads lighter as there is less power in top?


Falcon F16 - BEL666
Boats: TheBoatShop.be
Stories: bladef16.blogspot.com