Hey there,

Beautiful days sailing Sunday 12 July on Moreton Bay, sunny, 5 - 10 knots. A touch more breeze would have been great but I am not complaining.

Fleet of 4 cats sailed 5.8, A class, Maricat 5.0 and me, plus the monohulls.

Blew the start as thought we were waiting for the 5.8 who had to wait for his crew, also had jammed clew knot on kite in pole pulley on downwind to start line.

I had to jump in and free it from pulley, lucky I had run the kite as otherwise this would have happened in race. Had only got back on boat when 1 minute signal went - I thought that was 5 minute.......

Sailed really well, the A got away up to first mark, but I caught him at end of downwind and rounded ahead. This was how it would pan out over whole race. The 5.8 came in at first top mark after missing the start. Managed to keep them behind me throughout the race, they would get closer on upwinds but I could get away on downwinds.

It was a good long course of 3 triangles, 2 sausage and windward to finish.

Went opposite side of course to A class on last downwind and this proved to be better side of course and got a huge lead on him.

Last windward up to finish had the 5.8 chasing hard but had just enough lead to cross first.

Just a great day out on the water.

Really felt I have started to find the lines and trim to sail the mossie, still plenty of room to go though.

Next race in 2 weeks, will update again.


Drew........Furr_ball........Mosquito 1635