I have had three incidents where boats under power were at the least reckless. One was a large sailing yacht where we had the obvious right of way, but the skipper was I think totally oblivious to this fact, and would've run us down had we not changed course. The second a 40-50' motor yacht came roaring up full throttle right next to me. I think his wake might've flipped me, had I not turned into it at the last second. I was thrown around, and when I recovered my senses, noticed blood all over the tramp. I was barefoot, and somehow managed to slice my foot open on a block! A passenger on the stern of the yacht smiled and waved as it left me bleeding in it's wake. The third time, I was with a friend on his 16, tacking out a narrow channel, and a powerboat overtook us. We heard them complainig to eachother about our blocking thir way. Mind you it only took five more minutes for us to clear the channel. One actually said "Why don't you just run them down?" This was in such a narrow channel that a couple on shore overheard them too, and spoke up on our behalf. I think the witnesses prevented things from escalating. Everyone should be required to learn the rules of the road to be on the water! The commercial fishermen I've crossed courses with in Buzzards Bay, have been very considerate. They seem to really understand! Brian