So, during the start of the last leg of the T500 this year, A wave launched my boat into the air, and subsequently me, and when I landed funny on my right knee and got a grade 2/3 MCL tear.

So I go see the docs 2 weeks later because it wont get better. I get a knee brace, xrays, etc...

Turns out that - I keep getting mailers from my Insurance Companies' legal department - asking me to provide them with more information regarding my injury.

"We have tried to contact you regarding the nature of your injury in an effort to find out if the injury was caused by someone elses negligence or lack of responsibility blah blah blah..."

I usually shred these as soon as I get them, because as far as I'm concerned, its nobody's fault but my own damn one for getting injured, and my insurance company's blatant attempt to chase the ambulance in an effort to recoup their costs is not going to be put on anybody else - especially the organizing authority who I am dear friends with.

For the answer to "Did your injury take place on someone elses' property?" I answered, "I don't know, is the Atlantic Ocean 'someone elses' property'?"

Am I being paranoid about this or is this SOP in these types of things? I've never had my insurance company come to me like this before with a law firm letterheaded questionnaire.