Originally Posted by pgp
I know I'm being a pita, but we need to do this. Things just have a way of falling apart when left unattended, that would include the class.

I wanted to chime in on the US F16 class restructuring as I had a small part in getting it organized a few years ago and I carry most of the blame for not keeping it moving forward.

There is an organization charter (approved by the members t the time) that defines how the class will be managed (Board Member position descriptions), how representatives are elected and some minor organizational rules (bad behavior expulsion, etc.). It was fairly simple and was expected to grow with the class. I can get a copy of the document to whoever is leading the restructuring efforts.

All members of the local associations actually join through the International Association – then the International Association passes the money through to the local association on a per member basis. This centralizes the worldwide membership roster and fosters communication between the local and international associations.

Steps to restructuring:
1. Contact the international association for a current membership roster
2. Contact those members about the restructuring effort
3. Propose a slate of Board Members after gaining interest in the positions
4. Hold voting to ratify the new Board Members
5. Transfer local treasury/past transactions and gain access to funds being handled by the International Association (they are ready for distribution, I believe)
6. Update US Sailing contact information
7. Update the www.formula16.net contact information
8. The new Board Members will set strategic goals for the next 3/5/10 years (establishing a US National event, hosting more GC’s, etc.)
9. In January, renew the US Sailing Class membership – if deemed appropriate
10. Everyone has a lot of fun and the class continues to grow

I am sure there are some things I left out, but this might be a good start.

I hope this helps in getting the class association back to what the F16 sailors need.
