If you are sailing on lakes and smaller bodies of water those are the toghest places to learn. You are only really getting patches of the true wind here and there.

Yes - I noticed that on Thursday on Lake Crabtree, which is 510 acres. We headed toward the evening on a broad reach and quickly lost power ... then realized the wind had shifted and we were on a close haul. The shift happened in about 30 seconds.

Keep your arms hairy and your eyes peeled so you will feel and see the wind.

I don't know how to grow any more hair than nature gave me. I wasn't able to find an eye peeler in the online store here.

Rick and Mary's book is a great help if you don't already have it.

I do have it - I got lost in it when I first tried to read it, but I'm finding it is beginning to make more sense as I get some experience sailing. I'll look at the section you are referring to.

