I sail right near the SC and GA border and had a buddy drift off into GA. When he came back he pulled a soppy citation from his hull for not having registration numbers on his boat. SC, where we both reside, does not require registering a non-motorized boat under 21' but they do require the boat be titled. GA requires both. The ranger that cited him wasn't very knowledgable about cats and kept demanding that he take his main down while on the water (on a Nacra 5.2!). He also barked at him for not having a drivers license with him too (what happens to a youth sailor?). I am beginning to wonder that had he had proof that he lived in SC that he might not have been cited - dunno. I think his court date was due pretty soon.
<br>Michael - you there?<br><br>[color:blue][b]Jake
<br>[color:blue][b]Nacra 5.2 (2112)
<br>[color:blue][b]Hobie 18 (???)

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Jake Kohl