Originally Posted by macca

Better now?

My point is that some of the most vocal member of the class are also the least active on the water. And there is always some excuse...

How about this: The Worlds Largest catamaran race is on in a few weeks at Texel. Now, without all the usual crap about the cost of fuel and the cheapest options for getting across the channel. How many of you are attending this massive event?

Wouter, its less than 2 hours drive for you. Will you be there?

Hans, same for you?

Anyone else?

Hey Andrew,

I always wait till the last moment because of weather predictions. When there is a NW 5 bft waiting for us then i will not go with the massive surf in front of the beach. Last year i was observer with the family ( i need to score some points now and then ) This year i hope to go with the F16 but then it needs to be finished ( still working on my own boat, customers go first ) , if the weather is good and my 16 will not be ready i probably come with my A-cat. I make my dissicion on wednesday, thursday before the event. It is only a 1 hour drive for me.

We will see, in the mean time i try to keep training during weekends at Hellevoetsluis, i started end March with the training , so i made some hours already luckely.
