I don’t know you personally. My experience with you is confined to your answers to my questions asked on Catsailor’s Forums or PM’s. What I do know is this….You have always shared your expertise freely, you don't "beat around the bush" but get straight to the point. In addition, I have it from people I know and respect “Down Under” that your build quality is first class, and your F14 A&O stands alone without equal....that says a lot about your ability and your character. You can look in the mirror... at yourself square in the face every morning, and know you are a man of integrity...Did you get screwed in the Superwing scenario? Sure sounds like it...but they didn't just screw you...they screwed themselves as well...my guess is they wouldn’t want to linger too long in front of their mirror for fear that they would see a reflection of their true self.
“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” Proverbs 22:1
