So far so good, in fact brilliant coverage.

Website is up to date with a good article on the heavy conditions and boat damages experienced on the first day, post race interview with front runner and repeats of boat tracking.

Below comment from a website article sums the media muscle backing the event.

"One thing that has changed since 1978 is the level of media coverage and publicity surrounding the 505 Worlds. With class sponsor, the global software company SAP working closely with the University of Aarhus, there is a plethora of new technology being used to follow every moment of the racing. All boats will be carrying GPS transponders for the live tracking, and six boats will also be carrying cameras on their transoms, generating live footage that will be streaming on the internet. So will having a live camera on board affect the Bojsen-Møller brothers’ performance? “No, not at all,” says Jacob, “except maybe when we want to go to the toilet.”
