not 100% true.. a "national title" is held under the NA.. In Aust means a specified number of boats from a specified number of state authorities or localities. I cant remember the number of state bodies or number of boats from each body.. But fairly sure it is at least 3 states/authorities with at least one representative at the title, but could be more.... I believe this was achieved last Aussie wrangling or was very close.

When that "requirement" is achieved the class can be eligible to apply to hold a "nationals" if the procedures are followed.. How holding a "nationals" without the NA's approval will involve ISAF's ban clause.. I suspect this will still be the case if the NA still doesn't believe the ISAF "recognized" class is of "NA standard"..

"Worlds" / "international" is as you stated ISAF controlled....

However the "worlds" status means the NA may help sponsor a "team" to the "worlds".. "National" status means, in Aust at least, the state bodies may help in funding "their" team if there is a local fleet..

Bad news is Macca may get his Nacra super F16 super carbon Viper killer sooner.. *chuckles* (joke ppl)

Last edited by Stewart; 11/13/10 05:50 AM.