I spotted Hans with his new G-Cat 5.0 at the Dunedin Causeway yesterday. Test driving the new design was Robbie Daniel! The boat looked impressive being well sailed in about 10 kts of wind (no screecher rigged). Quick acceleration, fast tacks, and a great looking Calvert squaretop. I even saw Robbie do a smooth tack but stumble on the reset and nearly go over...W-A-Y up but not over! After a quick recovery he was back on the wire, hull up, and off like a rocket. Quite a show! As a squall blew in and I ran for cover from the rain I looked out to see Robbie trapped out and flying out the pass directly into the oncoming bigger air. As I ran FROM the weather Robbie ran AT it. I'd say Robbie was having big fun on the new G-Cat! With Hans and Robbie working on this platform it should be a winner!
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