
Merry xmas and seasons greetings from the wilderness.

Have been out of action due to repairing the boat, cracked decks, bridle fitting rebuilds, rudder box repair and more.....

Will be back up and racing for 2011 and will keep you posted for what happens up this way.

Looks like I am the lone Qld sailor for awhile.

My club colleague who bought the Boyer moulds has got busy with other things and sold them. Damo has gone to the dark side in a Nacra 5.8 although he suggests he may get into a mossie at some stage.

I have a nice new mainsail on order with Irwin and hope to up the horspower somewhat over the very old main I was using.

Hopefully can get a bit closer to front of our mixed fleet racing and excite others into the thought a mossie is worth consideration.

Unfortunately cannot make it to nationals this year, the dates just do not work within some work commitments, perhaps can make it in 2012.

Drew........Furr_ball........Mosquito 1635