Originally Posted by F18_VB
Originally Posted by rhodysail
Do you need to be a member at the time of the event or just within the same season?
From the website:

"A skipper may receive USF18 points in an event provided that. . .[t]he skipper is a full member in good standing of USF18 at the beginning of the event"

OK thanks, but I'm not sure I trust that this is written precisely according to the intent. Take the following for example. "Points are accumulated according to the total number of boats on the line sailed by current members of the NAF18 Class." This clearly states that only class member boats will count towards the total number of competitors and yet that's not the way it's done.

I don't mean to be a PITA but I've seen these kinds of things become a problem after the fact in the past. It's far easier to get it straightened out before the game starts.