Reboot of Bob Merricks post... focusing on the program!

These are happy times for catamaran fans but the re-introduction of a catamaran into the Olympic games is just the start. There are two other critical ingredients to making an Olympic catamaran a success.
1) Asspiring catamaran Olympians.
2) People who are willing to write checks when those asspiring Olympians come hat-in-hand.
Now is the time for everyone to encourage young people to take up the challenge and, just as importantly, to suport them when they do.

So... What does a program look like in your country?
Do you need a junior program in Multihulls to get Mixed Multihull Olympic hopefuls?
Will cross training in dinghies, skiffs and multihulls further the goal of getting world class sailors from lots of countries?

What's it take at the individual level (after the talent factor)?
What kind of training do you need to get a start?
What kind of coaching do you need to make it to the top?
Can you do it on your own without national MNA support?
Do you foresee the current US Olympic program working for Mixed Multihull Teams?
One of the skiff builders is marketing their program as supplied with a skiff simulator!... Any chance for a cat simulator?
Can you train effectively on an F18 locally and then transition to a 20 footer.
If the Olympic Cat is locked down... NO development... does that make it possible to jump from one class to another... or from a similar boat to the OLYMPIC BOAT.

What's it take to get more buy in for Mixed Multihull from beyond the 20 rich ISAF countries?
Can you lower costs of campaigning by changing the qualification criteria for the Olympics.. (Now you have to compete in the ISAF grade I EVENTS (Europe) to get your country into the olympics... What if it was reduced to the top 18 countries as determined at the worlds... held 3 months before the games..
Can you get more countries to play by decreasing the need to campaign and qualify in Europe.... ie decrease the need to be a pro in the sport.

Would you give money to an Olympic Team?
Do you support an individual team... or do you support a nationwide program?
Would you purchase boat stuff from a financial supporter of the Mixed Multihull team (s)
Does the fact that USA Olympic controls the money collection and distribution (they take a cut of what you raise) help or hurt Mixed Multihull Sailors.

How would your class support MIXED MULTIHULL OLYMPIC SAILORS.
Would it be valuable to your class if the Olympic sailors and team members were funded to compete in your Class OD nationals?
Wealthy benefactors of the Olympic teams Yacht Clubs have historically supported their Olympic hopefuls. Will multihull sailors step up and be this benefactor when we are spread out over the continent.
Does the fact that Olympic Sailing teams emerge in your country and then last 3 or 4 cycles help or hurt Olympic sailing... (You are not going to kick Bundy or Lovell out unless they break their leg!)

Thoughts, Opinions, Comments…. What kind of program do you see working in the future?