Originally Posted by David Ingram
Jay come on! Remember back in the day when you were straight. Those were good times weren't they? Except for the red head you were into... she could scare anyone onto the other team, is that what happened?

Good times, they were.... I will always be jealous of you sailing couples that can manage to hold a relationship through the challenges of racing.

Oh, and I gave up my man-card (and waistline) years ago for the tax deduction, but still have a healthy respect for supporting single-moms, and commend you, sir, for your outstanding generosity in that respect. You truly give till it hurts, and we should all learn from your fine example.

AND for the rest of you bi*$s, bring it SATURDAY! You'd better have your A-game cause I don't get out much from under my rock and when I do, it's scary. GO-TIME!
