Regarding getting back into the boat, completely agree with John on how to get in. You can also try the "scoop" technique (taught to junior sailors in 420s) when one of you is large enough to get the boat back up solo. The smaller (lets say more fit ;-) person just stays in the water on the tramp side of the hulls, floating near the shroud base that is in the water. As the bigger crew brings the boat up, the "in the water" crew grabs the hiking strap and is magically "scooped" up into the boat as it rights. Makes recovery so much easier, as the person is now on the boat on the high side (keeps the boat from continuing to roll and flip over the other way), can drive, etc etc quickly.

This is a VERY good technique if you are ever a "rescuer" for another cat as well (i.e when you jump off a safety boat, your own boat, to help a tipped cat and its crew). Two of you bring it up while scooping the third up into the boat.