I turtled the HT in a race a couple of weekends ago, it went over slowly and I had time to get weight on the righting line, but my inexperienced crew had his foot wrapped up in a line in such a way that I had to get him untangled before I got to righting the boat.

By the time I got to the task of righting the mast had filled with enough water and the boat was on its way to turtling.

Long story to ask a question of the engineers. How much float would be needed to keep a mast from turtling? Assume a 34 foot mast, with a strong wind blowing on a 8 foot wide tramp.

Any way to calculate the volume needed for a mast head float? I want to go out by myself and need a safety device for a distance race at the mast head. Thinking some kind of carbon Hobie Bob type device.
