I've sailed many many years with different cats with normal oldfashioned tramps. Yes there are differences. Indeed there is the impression that my cat stays down a lot more, especially in waves. There are no hits again to tramp.

In passing breaking waves it is an essential difference, as you might see on the video.

But for me the most impressive difference is the fact the water is no more something down under the tramp, but is more active and lively felt where ever you are on the cat.
That may seem a bit vague, but it feels more like sailing a windsurfboard.

With regard to speed I cannot remember any difference.

One last detail: when uprighting after capsizing, you cannot wait anymore untill the windforce in the tramp turns you in the wind! So you have to swim to the top of the mast, lift it, and turn the cat in (and a little past)the wind. Go back quickly via the shroud and lift the cat.

Before I forget: you can very easy hook all kind of things to the net (bags, blocks for jibsheeting,etc).

One last warning: look out for getting stuck with your trapezehook in the net when laying down on your belly on the net. It happened to me once when I was climbing on board from deep water and I got stuck just when I was lifting myself in one movement on board. So I ended up fighting half hanging with my legs still overboard. Since that day, I always sail with a legknive.

RAIDER-15 (homebuilt)

hey boy, what did you do over there, alone far out at sea?..
"huh....., that's the only place where I'm happy, sir.