I fashoned one out of a piece of conduit. (the kind that is just a little rubbery) I stuck a champaign cork in the flared end, and with epoxy and scrap metal created a spinning "U" connector for the other end. It's not expandable but for 85 cents I can't complain about its usefulness on my H14. I have expandables for my H16 but they cost from $40 to $80. I am glad they came with the used boat.
<br> I would not use wood because if it broke it could be dangerous. If you are on the trapeze wire then an expandable would almost be a must.
<br> The homemade one on my 14 is about 4 and a half feet, which works fine for the 14. For your 16, I would just sit about where you normally pilot from and measure what size stick would fit best. Don't get it too long or it may start getting in your way.<br><br>