>>>Venture Cat Meets Reality

Or "Venture Cat crew meets reality "?

I've seen that old "dead class boats" can give newer popular boats a good work over when the crew has honed their skills. I'm sure that the Venture cat is just the same. One of the best stories in this contest came to life only some 4 weeks ago.

We had two days of distance races then. A fellow club crew had bought a new boat this and sold their old only 1985 of the same type. The crew who had bought the older boat came over and attended this weekend of distance racing only to beat the crew (former owner) on their new boat in both races ! Overall this oldie took 5th and 3rd placing in both races.

Message of this story ; improving sailor skills is always far more important than having the newest design and parts.

Best attitude is to "bring what you have" and learn, learn, learn to out manouvre the crews on the newer-faster boats.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands