Did you sail enough? I sailed my butt off in 2011 - had a really satisfying season with training sessions, coaching on and off the water, and regattas.

What were your goals? Did you meet them? My goal was to medal in the PanAm Games - did not meet that goal. After a truly fantastic and fulfilling season, it all slipped away in a single bad day. That's boat racing.

What was the single-most standout moment of the year? There were many moments when I was able to be sincerely appreciative of my particularly fortunate circumstances; the standout was on the way to the start line in Puerto Vallarta with Greg Thomas. We had a good conversation, and I'm grateful for his friendship.

What was the one "ah ha!" thing you learned? Through lots of advice on the beach from the fleet, coaching from the Glasers, and working with Greg continuously to improve, we discovered a couple of things that resulted in very fast tacks on a Hobie 16 - that was the one thing, with a number of smaller elements, that I took away from my return to the 16.

What do you hope for 2012? My season hasn't yet crystallized - I've got a lot of things up in the air. My dearest hope, not specifically for my benefit, is a well-run and memorable F18 Worlds for the fleet in September.

John Williams

- The harder you practice, the luckier you get -
Gary Player, pro golfer

After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.