Originally Posted by daniel_t
Originally Posted by Team_Cat_Fever
Crew raising the kite is standard practice in crewed spinnaker rigged catamarans...period. Unless you've knocked your crew out with a dogbone, so I guess their are exceptions.

I guess this is a way that cats are different than when I sailed monohulls. In my Laser II, the skipper hoisted and doused the spinnaker while the crew readied the spin pole, jib and guy... or maybe it's the difference between an asymmetrical spin and a symmetrical one?

Probably...on the cat, it's two lines to hoist the chute so the crew almost always does it. I stayed on the wire to keep the boat as powered up and fast as possible during the rounding. The trick is not turning the boat too sharply and literally turning the boat out from under your feet! That was me driving in those races. We do sometimes pass the mainsheet to the crew when driving - it helps the skipper focus on driving as smoothly as possible. It takes a bit of practice for the crew and skipper to get into sync.

Jake Kohl