Originally Posted by pgp
Originally Posted by David Ingram
Just the tip of port board where I beat the new off of it. If there is a rock or a hard spot anywhere on the course I'll find it.

The Moss man has some mad carbon fiber skills.

The A-Cat is in my future but I just found I have some home repairs that can't wait so...Plus I'm having WAY too much fun on my big, heavy, outdated and slow F18 to move to an A cat right now. I know... I'm a moron!

We should start a pool, I'll take....never.

You've been bitten, you'll never give up the spin.

While you might think you'll miss it (I thought I would when I first got my a-cat), you really don't. It's so slippery through the water and tuning sensitive, you forget all about a spinnaker. If it's blowing over 12, you're too busy trying to keep it pointy side up and fast to worry about such nonsense.

Jake Kohl