After sailing very actively (including a bit of racing) until my late teens, I took a sabbatical from it for several decades until just a year ago. The bug has bitten again, and I've got to get into Cat sailing again. Things have changed a lot since my Prindle 16.

Dilemma: What the heck to get.

I do think that any part of the family will be very willing to crew for racing, and there will be times when we'll have a pile of three or four onboard for a casual cruise. I believe a class boat is a smart direction, and I leaned heavily towards the F18 class for a while, but I like the idea of a nimble F16. Either way, finding a used boat that's newer (> 2008) seems like an impossible task, and a new boat seems expensive. Maybe I'm just living back in the Prindle price days.

Obvious answers are welcome, as I've seem to have dug myself a hole. I know this is in the F16 section, so my preference is clear, but a course correction is welcome if needed. Is the F16 machine also hiding as a fun cruiser for more than two?

2013 AHPC Viper #318