sailing has an image problem in america. first off, you know it's cool, i know it's cool, but many folks think it's for dorks...goobers...nerds...kinda like being on the math team. secondly, sailing comes off as an elitist, one percenter activity. when i tell people i sail, some look at me like i'm a pompas butt, rich kid, know it all and they really don't care. now sport bikes, harleys, cameros, personal watercraft, nascar, college football, etc...that's where america spends its money for passtimes. the hope is that the americas cup will spark interest here and i hope is does. you have to use your brain to sail so this could only be good for the ole' u.s.a.! mayby a really cool video game would help to interest some young people, especialy if there are hookers you can kill...