We didn't have that problem since our sponsor's money is placed in a trust account. I spent my own money on the entry fee (My 40th birthday present from my wife) and eventually may or may not see the money again but if you enter a race with a $5,000 entry fee that includes a boat, hotels and a van you have to know that the entire event happening is predicated on a HUGE SPONSOR picking up the balance of that expense for the race promoter. That promoter apparently bailed out and the race promoter couldn't pony the money all by himself. Totally understandable in my book. If you couldn't afford to lose the $5,000 then it's questionable as to whether or not you could afford to do the race in the first place.

This doesn't excuse the non refunding of the entry fees but time will tell as to whether or not you all are out all of your money.

That's just my opinion of course and I suspect there will be lots of people who chime in and flame me for it...but that's what free speach is all about. Have at it.

Mark Michaelsen http://www.sailingproshop.com (800) 354-7245