Originally Posted by I20RI
I dont understand why this is so complicated. An HT hull weighs like 75 pds? An I20 hull weighs like 125pds or thereabouts. When you fly a hull on the HT the shroud (which is attached to the mast) PICKS UP 75 pds out of the water and into the air. When you fly a hull on the I20 the shroud (which is attached to the mast) PICKS UP 125 pds of hull into the air (where it is not bouyant).

The difference between flying a hull and strapped to a dock is not a useful analogy unless you managed to fly a hull on the dock, which breaks either mast. Just dont fly a hull on the I20 and you'll be fine, but what fun would that be...

It's not complicated, just don't put two big fat guys on the F18HT and go out in 30 knots!

Blade F16