I want to apologize for the delay in getting the web site up and running this year. For those of you that don't know me real well, I had a couple of "Health Delays," For those who know me quite well, you know I'm just getting a bit lazy in my old age.

Albeit, the site is up and, to the best of my knowledge, everything is ready to accept your preregistrations. Please preregister just as soon as you can as we're a little late in getting everything ordered.

Our regular sponsors are on board again insuring that Spring Fever will continue to be the outstanding event that you've come to expect from us for these past sixteen years. I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that our excellent race committee and the on-the-water support folks are all back this year also.

Getting a new skipper to attend this year? Please have him mention your name in the comments area of his preregistration form.

Looking forward to seeing you all again this spring.


Rick White
Catsailor Magazine & OnLineMarineStore.com