Have any of you tried "PTex" It's the plastic that they use on the bottom of skis and snowboards. It comes in sticks from the ski shop to use for repairs. They call them Ptex candles, because you light the end of the stick on fire and melt the PTex until it drips into the scratch or gouge in the ski base. You can then base grind the excess away for a slick repair. So your thinking, hmm, what does this have to do with Mast rotation. Well, you can lightly sand the bottom of your mast step and melt Ptex into it. A couple of layers (each layer melts into the other) and away you go. I find that this sticks in the step, and last longer that anything else. If you really want to get tricky, you can melt some in the step and quickly drop a chip on top of it, that'll stick-um.

Transplanted Lake Winnipeger