Results have been updated within the past hour. They raced three total yesterday, Jason and Irene ripped out another set of bullets. Places 2-5 had some shifting, and widening gap between them.

No mention of who is sailing gold vs. silver yet (on the official site or FB, from what I can tell), but Wednesday's SB story says top 37 are gold:

Also no mention of whether points carry from the qualification round into gold/silver. In the past, gold would carry their scores, and silver would get a fresh start. I think that with nothing in the NOR or SIs (or amendments), the default would be that all scores carry forward, but I'm surprised it's not spelled out (beyond 'series score is the total of race scores'...), just for the avoidance of doubt.

Looks like very little work for the jury this week?


Last edited by brucat; 09/24/15 08:03 AM.